Indices DSEX
5211.28 9.80 0.19
Indices DSES/DS30
1156.96 1.24 0.11
1922.64 3.53 0.18
Initial Public Offering (IPO)
There are no data
Company LTP Change(%) High Low Value(mn)
ZAHINTEX 5.70 9.62 5.70 5.40 2.08
SALAMCRST 10.70 9.18 10.70 9.90 2.61
REGENTTEX 4.80 9.09 4.80 4.80 0.35
BDCOM 26.10 7.85 26.60 24.20 66.63
METROSPIN 14.30 7.52 14.60 13.30 4.33
AMPL 30.60 7.37 31.30 29.20 0.87
GOLDENSON 13.70 6.20 13.90 13.30 41.33
GENNEXT 3.70 5.71 3.70 3.40 3.84
GQBALLPEN 154.00 5.41 157.60 146.20 53.15
TOSRIFA 23.90 4.82 24.30 22.70 12.76
Company LTP Change(%) High Low Value(mn)
WONDERTOYS 38.90 -9.95 47.40 38.90 0
NEWLINE 11.30 -6.61 12.20 11.30 27.65
ACHIASF 40.60 -6.45 44.80 40.60 0.01
KPPL 26.00 -5.45 27.80 25.10 20.19
UTTARAFIN 14.80 -5.13 15.30 14.80 0.02
APOLOISPAT 4.50 -4.26 4.80 4.50 3.03
BBS 11.70 -3.31 12.20 11.70 7.07
MOSTFAMETL 12.10 -3.20 12.60 12.10 1.89
ACTIVEFINE 9.20 -3.16 9.40 9.20 1.48
TILIL 40.80 -3.09 41.70 40.50 6.44

ABB1STMF [16-Feb-2025]: On the close of operation on February 13, 2025, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 8.72 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 11.54 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 2,084,537,195.00 on the basis of current market price and Tk. 2,759,039,791.00 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund. more...

SEMLIBBLSF [16-Feb-2025]: On the close of operation on February 13, 2025, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 9.71 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 11.30 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 971,180,747.86 on the basis of current market price and Tk. 1,129,971,057.31 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund. more...

SEMLLECMF [16-Feb-2025]: On the close of operation on February 13, 2025, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 9.57 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 11.46 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 478,313 ,431.63 on the basis of current market price and Tk. 573,037,113.89 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund. more...

EBLNRBMF [16-Feb-2025]: On the close of operation on February 13, 2025, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 7.99 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 11.24 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 1,791,602,247.00 on the basis of current market price and Tk. 2,520,377,360.00 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund. more...

PHPMF1 [16-Feb-2025]: On the close of operation on February 13, 2025, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 8.12 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 11.20 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 2,290,047,174.00 on the basis of current market price and Tk. 3,158,462,291.00 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund. more...

POPULAR1MF [16-Feb-2025]: On the close of operation on February 13, 2025, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 7.98 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 11.23 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 2,387,741,694.00 on the basis of current market price and Tk. 3,358,558,864.00 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund. more...

CITYBANK [16-Feb-2025]: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by DSE on 02.02.2025 regarding Transmission of deceased sponsor's shares to nominees, City Brokerage Limited has informed that it has completed the transmission of 25,848,566 shares of the company to the Nominees, Ms. Shakiba Shabnam Dona and Ms. Faria Shabnam Diana (Nominees of Late Md. Ali Hossain). more...

CAPMIBBLMF [16-Feb-2025]: On the close of operation on February 13, 2025, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 8.30 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 11.32 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 554,687,996.87 on the basis of current market price and Tk. 756,481,336.29 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund. more...

CAPMBDBLMF [16-Feb-2025]: On the close of operation on February 13, 2025, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 8.44 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 11.20 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 423,041,924,32 on the basis of current market price and Tk. 561,653,910.50 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund. more...

ASIATICLAB [16-Feb-2025]: (Cont. news of ASIATICLAB): b) NOCFPS has decreased due to a decrease in collection from customers and an increase in the number of Ordinary Shares for the period ended on 31 December, 2024 compared to the preceding similar period ended on 31 December, 2023 of the Company. c) NAVPS with Revaluation Surplus has been increased due to added net profit after tax as of 31 December, 2024, NAVPS without Revaluation Surplus has been increased due to added net profit after tax as of 31 December, 2024. (end) more...

ASIATICLAB [16-Feb-2025]: (Cont. news of ASIATICLAB): and Tk. 39.31 as on June 30, 2024. Significant deviation in EPS, NOCFPS and NAVPS: a) EPS has been slightly changed due to a change of the Net Profit after Tax, deviation in deferred tax income/(expenses) as well as increase of operating expenses, Financial Expenses and an increase in the number of Ordinary Shares for the period ended on 31 December, 2024 compared to the preceding similar period ended on 31 December, 2023 of the Company. (cont.2) more...

ASIATICLAB [16-Feb-2025]: (Q2 Un-audited): EPS was Tk. 0.72 for October-December 2024 as against Tk. 0.62 for October-December 2023. EPS was Tk. 0.96 for July-December 2024 as against Tk. 1.54 for July-December 2023. NOCFPS was Tk. 0.87 for July-December 2024 as against Tk. 1.19 for July-December 2023. NAV per share (with revaluation surplus) was Tk. 52.95 as on December 31, 2024 and Tk. 52.58 as on June 30, 2024. NAV per share (without revaluation surplus) was Tk. 39.70 as on December 31, 2024 (cont.1) more...

RANFOUNDRY [16-Feb-2025]: Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL) has assigned the rating of the Company as "AA-" in the long term and "ST-3" in the short term along with Stable outlook in consideration of its audited financials up to June 30, 2024; unaudited financials up to December 31, 2024 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating declaration. more...

SAFKOSPINN [16-Feb-2025]: A team of DSE visited the factory premises of Safko Spinning Mills Limited on February 3, 2025 and found the operation/production closed. more...

EXCH [16-Feb-2025]: The Investors are requested to lodge their complaints against the TREC Holder Companies and the issuer of listed securities (if any) of DSE through Customer Complaint Address Module (CCAM) (link: for addressing their complaints virtually. more...

EXCH [16-Feb-2025]: DSE NEWS: All Stock Dealers, Stock Brokers and Authorized Representatives are asked to strictly follow the code of conduct as enumerated in the Second Schedule to the Securities and Exchange Commission (Stock Dealer, Stock Broker and Authorized Representative) Rules, 2000. more...

EXCH [16-Feb-2025]: (Continuation of DSE News): If anyone spreads information based on rumor, using patent of DSE, he/she will be held liable under Copyright Act, 2000 and it shall be treated as punishable offence under Section-17 of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969. (end) more...

EXCH [16-Feb-2025]: DSE does not publish market data through any social media pages. INVESTORS should not rely on any information from an unauthorized source such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Linkedin etc. (cont.) more...

REGL [16-Feb-2025]: (Continuation of BSEC News - Awareness Message for Investors) 3. Do not pay any heed to rumors at the time of trading shares; it may cause loss to you. Even spreading rumor is legally prohibited. (Ref.: SEC letter no. SEC/SRMIC/2010/726 dated November 23, 2010). (end) more...

REGL [16-Feb-2025]: Investors are requested to consider the following facts at the time of making investment decision in the Capital Market: 1. Without acquiring proper knowledge, information and experience regarding different aspects and matters of Capital Market, one should not invest in the Capital Market. 2. The gain or loss, whichever comes from the investment, it belongs to you. So, well - thought of investment decision based on knowledge and fundamentals of the securities may be real assistance to you. (cont.) more...